Mallika Mallika - Shaakuntalam (Telugu song)

The lyric for the Mallika Mallika song from the Shaakuntalam film is accessible in both English and Telugu. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Mallika Mallika - Shaakuntalam (Telugu song)

🎶 Song Name Mallika Mallika
🎤 Singer(s) Ramya Behara
🎹 Music Mani Sharma
📃 Lyrics Chaitanya Prasad
💰 Producer Neelima Guna
📽 Movie Shaakuntalam
Other languages Tamil
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the Tips Telugu channel.


Mallika Mallika Malathee Maalika

Choodava Choodava Yedi Naa Yelika


Hamsika Hamsika Jaaguney Seyaka

Poyira Poyira Raajutho Raa Ika

Athanikho Kaanuka Eeyana Nenika

Valapuke Nedoka Vedukey Kaaga


Aaha Neelaveanee

Pooche Poola Aamanee

Raaje Chentha Chera

Rajyannelu Maa Raani


Munula Ghanula Mana Vanaseema

Maaruni Sharamu Parama

Madhura Sudhala Sumama

Manasu Nilupa Tarama


Swapnika Chaitrika

Na Priya Netrika

Choodava Choodava

Yedi Naa Yelika


Saaguma Meghama Meghama

Saaguma Meghama

Swamine Cheruma Vaanale Veenalai

Maa Kathe Paaduma


Nee Cheli Nechheli

Chulu Daalchindhani

Sheeghrame Rammani

Maargame Choopuma


Milamila Merisele

Shaaradha Akaashame

Velavela Vennelai

Vegey Maa Preme


Thaara Thoranaley

Theerche Ningi Daaruley

Neley Paalapunthai

Nimpe Prema Deepaley


Marula Virula Rasajhari Lona

Manasu Thadise Lalana

Amala Kamala Nayana

Thelise Hrudhaya Thapana


Aakulo Aakunai

Aashrama Vaasinai

Aashaga Choodana

Athanee Raakakai


O Cheli Cheli

Endhuke Ee Chali

Bhoothalam Naa Madhee

Sheethalam Ayinadhee


Manchulo Munchina

Entha Vedhinchina

Athani Amshane

Vechhaga Daachani


Shishirame Aashala

Aakuley Raalchina

Chiguruley Veyaga

Chaithrame Kaana


Hemanthalu Ela

Seemanthalu Velalo

Chinthe Ela Baala

Vaasanthaale Neelona


Nelalu Gadichinavi Nela Baala

Kadhali Kadali Alalaa

Amara Vimala Sumama

Suguna Manini Kanuma


Kannule Vechele

Kaayale Kaachele

Aashaga Choodaga

Athanee Raakakai

The song Mallika Mallika is from which film?
The song Mallika Mallika is from Shaakuntalam movie.

Who composed the song Mallika Mallika ?
Mani Sharma composed the song Mallika Mallika.

Who sings the song Mallika Mallika ?
Ramya Behara sings the song Mallika Mallika.

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