Frequently Asked Question

What is the goal of your mission?

We place a high value on good lyrics. As a lyrics site, our basic model is to deliver the most up-to-date lyrics. On our website, we make every attempt to display high-quality lyrics.

What's the source of all this lyrics?

Many users contribute and modify the lyrics, and they are all bound by the individual sources' DMCA and privacy restrictions. We only provide lyrics that have been obtained from a legal source. Only the most trustworthy lyrics are promoted.

How do the pages on this site load quickly on mobile devices?

Our website was designed using CDN to give a quick and high-performing experience across devices. Our website is mobile-friendly, meaning it works the same way on all devices and browsers. There is also no usage of Flash animation.

To get the most out of your site, which browser should I use?

We built our website to work with all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. The website is identical across the board, with no usability issues regardless of the browser being used to access it.