Urime Kaalama - Malli Pelli (Telugu song)

Malli Pelli is a family drama film directed by M S Raju, starring Naresh, Pavitra Lokesh, Jayasudha, and Sarathbabu in the lead roles, along with Vanitha Vijayakumar, Ananya Nagella, Roshan, Ravivarma, Annapoorna, Bhadram, Yukta, Praveen Yandamuri, Madhooo, and others in supporting roles. The movie is produced by Dr Naresh VK under the Vijaya Krishna Movies banner. The film is scheduled to release in theaters in June 2023.

Urime Kaalama - Malli Pelli (Telugu song)

🎤 Singer(s) Anurag Kulkarni
📃 Lyrics Ananta Sriram
🎹 Music Suresh Bobbili
📽 Movie Malli Pelli
🎥 Director M.S.Raju
🎶 Song Name Urime Kaalama
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the Aditya Music India channel.


👨 : Urime Kaalama Urikedaapumaa

Badhulee Okate Praanamayye

Iru Dhehaalilaa

Unde Maate Nijama Selaviy


Emo Emo Em Chestaave

Neetho Edhi Kaalam Kaadhe

Kalipesthaavo Vidadeesthaavo

Neetho Edhi Ardam Kaadhe


Ye, Ooredhaina Teeredhaina

Daaredho Vesthaave Iddariki

Eerojedhi Lenattunna

Em Testhaavo Reppayyesariki


Mounamlo Ye Vainam

Daachaavo O O Oo

Payanamlo Ye Maargam

Maarchesthaavo O O Oo


Emo Emo Emchestaave

Neetho Edhi Kaalam Kaadhe

Kalipesthaavo Vidadeesthaavo

Neetho Edhi Ardam Kaadhe


Sathyam Telusu, Sarvam Telusu

Ayina Maayedho Laagesthundaa

Paine Vayasu LoLo Nalusu

Edho Choomanthram Vesthu Unna


Ye Maikam Kammindho

Manasanthaa O Oo

Eelokam Kallallo

Padithe Ettaa, Oo Oo


Emo Emo Emchestaave

Neetho Edhi Kaalam Kaadhe

Kalipesthaavo Vidadeesthaavo

Neetho Edhi Ardam Kaadhe


Urime Kaalamaa Aa Aa Aa

Urikedaapumaa Aa Aa Aa

The song Urime Kaalama is from which film?
The song Urime Kaalama is from Malli Pelli movie.

Who composed the song Urime Kaalama ?
Suresh Bobbili composed the song Urime Kaalama.

Who sings the song Urime Kaalama ?
Anurag Kulkarni sings the song Urime Kaalama.

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