Rangamma - ANNAPOORNA PHOTO STUDIO (Telugu song)

The lyric for the Rangamma song from the ANNAPOORNA PHOTO STUDIO film is accessible in both English and Telugu. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Rangamma - ANNAPOORNA PHOTO STUDIO (Telugu song)

💰 Producer Yash Rangineni
🎥 Director Chendu Muddu
🎹 Music Prince Henry
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Chaitanya Rao Madadi, Lavanya Sahukara, Yash Rangineni, Vasu Inturi,Uttara Reddy, Mihirah, Viva Raghav, Lalith Aditya, Krishna Mohan, Ramana
🎤 Singer(s) SP Charan
📃 Lyrics Srinivasa Mouli
🎶 Song Name Rangamma
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the T-Series Telugu channel.


👨 : Kanti-choopu ninne thaah Ponantundhamma

Konte ashalevo regi Adhirindhe Bomma

Mante Pettavamma Mandhey poosavamma

Gunde kajesi jada-ganta kottavamma


👫 : Rangamma... Oh na rangamma

Itu chudamma aa.. aa.. aaa...

Rangamma... Oh na rangamma

I tu chudamma aa.aa..aaa...


👨 : Nelone paruvalu nerpayi saradhalu

Ika chalu dobhuchulu

Nidaredhi nakasalu

Reyantha oo digulu

Jadivana ne vusulu


Vuha ninnu chutindha

pichi gani pattindha

chuttumutti tokam ninda

nuve pilla


Ningi kaati-kindundha

nela vatlikekinda

Kotha matthu netheki

Thokkindhe ila


Nuvvu na Tokamai

Nenu dhasoham-aye

Yekam-avdhamu lokam-Tho

pani yentamma


👫 : Rangamma... Oh na rangamma

Itu chudamma aa.. aa.. aaa...

Rangamma... Oh na rangamma

Itu chudamma aa.. aa.. aaa...


👫 : Rangamma.. Rangamma..

Rangamma.. Rangamma..

Rangamma.. Rangamma..

Oh.. oh.. ohhh... ho


Rangamma.. Rangamma..

Rangamma.. Rangamma..

Rangamma.. Rangamma..

Oh.. oh.. ohhh... ho


Who sings the song Rangamma ?
SP Charan sings the song Rangamma.

Who composed the song Rangamma ?
Prince Henry composed the song Rangamma.

The song Rangamma is from which film?
The song Rangamma is from ANNAPOORNA PHOTO STUDIO movie.

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