Pedhavulu Veedi Maunam - Takkar

How will the lives of a young and energetic boy, driven by the desire to accumulate wealth, and a girl who believes that money is the root of all problems, change when they come together?

Pedhavulu Veedi Maunam - Takkar

🎶 Song Name Pedhavulu Veedi Maunam
📽 Movie Takkar - Telugu
🎤 Singer(s) Deepak Blue, Chinmayi Sripada
📃 Lyrics Krishna Kanth
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Siddharth, Yogi Babu, Divyansha, Abimanyu Singh, Munishkanth, RJ Vigneshkanth
Other Languages Telugu
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the Think Music India channel.


👨 : Pedhavulu veedi maunam

Madhuvulu kore vainam

Thanuvulu chese sneham Nede...


👩 : Tholakari repey thaapam

Alajadi kore saayam

Thapanalu Teerchu Bhaaram Needhe


👨 : Padhamule Karuvaye

Thaakuthu Maataadanaa Neetho

👩 : Dhoorame Maayamai

Oopiri Shraminchena Maatho


👨 : Thamakamulo Thadabadagaa Aa Aa

Vidividiga Aa Aa

O Sukhamidhigaa Aa Aa Aa


👨 : Vaanale Adigaagaa Aakasham

Vadhilese Jaabillai Vachaave

Nannu Vethukuthoone


👩 : Ne Kore Varamegaa

Neelaaga Nijamegaa

Ee Bandham Nilichegaa

Manani Kaluputhu


👨 : Naa Ninge Sagamai

Daage Kougililo

Saradaa Raathirilo

Govu Poolu Virise


👩 : Mugisaaka Varsham

Jaare Chinukalle

Alisaaka Deham

Vadhalaleni Thaname


👨 : Dhari Neevaa Nadhi Nenaa

👩 : Kalisaaka Prema Teerame


👨 : Thamakamulo Oo Oo Oo

👩 : Thadabadagaa Aa Aa Aa

Vidividiga Aa Aa Aa

👨 : Oka Sukhamidhigaa Aa Aa Aa


Who sings the song Pedhavulu Veedi Maunam ?
Deepak Blue, Chinmayi Sripada sings the song Pedhavulu Veedi Maunam.

The song Pedhavulu Veedi Maunam is from which film?
The song Pedhavulu Veedi Maunam is from Takkar - Telugu movie.

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