Mercy Melody Song - Unstoppable - Unlimited Fun (Telugu song)

The lyric for the Mercy Melody Song song from the Unstoppable - Unlimited Fun film is accessible in both English and Telugu. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Mercy Melody Song - Unstoppable - Unlimited Fun (Telugu song)

🎶 Song Name Mercy Melody Song
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Vj Sunny,Saptagiri,Nakshatra,Aqsa Khan
🎤 Singer(s) Bheems Ceciroleo
🎹 Music Bheems Ceciroleo
📃 Lyrics Kasarla Shyam
📽 Movie Unstoppable - Unlimited Fun
💰 Producer Rajith Rao
🎥 Director Diamond Rathna Babu
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the T-Series Telugu channel.

👨 : Mercy O Mercy

Mercy O Mercy


Na cell phonenu ringtone ni navve

Na heartbeat laga mare ni lave e

Na Lifeloke rainbowla vacheve

Na sole matea yye kotha rekkala ichavae


Ee bhumipai nuvvu modhati andhama

Ninu pondhaka ne pudithine Suma

Nuvvu Theese Swase Pranam posene

Lolona Preme Deepam Naalo Nimpesindhe


👨 : Mercy…O…Mercy





👨 : Ah Errani Pedhavula Chivare Chivare

Thenelo Nimpinadhi Evare Evare

Pantikithelisenu Vu Ah Ruchule

Chiraku Chitikedu Pogare Pogare

Ethhulu Thadumuthu Egire Egire



Robokaina Romance Vachhe

Kougiliche Vayyari Venassu Neeve

Chalilonayna Chamatallona

Nannu Munchetthe

Saharavai Nannallukove






👨 : Naa Vuthhara Dakshinaa Dhruvame Dhruvame

Bithharapoye Neeyavvaname

Manchukusaytham Chelidhaname

Bhumadhya Rekaala Nadume Nadume

Haddhulu Cherapaka Tharime Tharime

Oh Kalime

Neee Nunnani Veepu Google Mapu

Chikkenuchoopu Oh Dhari Chupincha Raadhe

Ninu Chudagane Vennelochi Vaale

Godaralle Nanne Munchesi Poradhe






Who sings the song Mercy Melody Song ?
Bheems Ceciroleo sings the song Mercy Melody Song.

Who composed the song Mercy Melody Song ?
Bheems Ceciroleo composed the song Mercy Melody Song.

The song Mercy Melody Song is from which film?
The song Mercy Melody Song is from Unstoppable - Unlimited Fun movie.

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