Kalallo - Virupaksha (Telugu song)

Directed by Karthik Dandu and with a screenplay by director Sukumar, Virupaksha is a thriller film featuring Sai Dharam Tej and Samyuktha Menon in the lead roles. The movie boasts a fantastic musical score by B. Ajaneesh Loknath, stunning cinematography by Shamdat Sainudeen, and expert editing by Navin Nooli. The film is produced by BVSN Prasad under the banners of Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra and Sukumar Writings.

Kalallo - Virupaksha (Telugu song)

👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Sai Dharam Tej, Samyuktha Menon
💰 Producer BVSN Prasad
🎥 Director Karthik Dandu
🎹 Music B. Ajaneesh Loknath
📽 Movie Virupaksha
🎶 Song Name Kalallo
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the Sony Music South channel.


👨 : Kalallo ne Ulikkipadthunaa

Nijaanni o kolikki thevente

Ila ayomayamga nennunaa

Idantu Thelchavemite


👩 : Padhe padhe Adakku nuvvinkaa

Pedaalatho annoddhu aa maata

Padaalalo vetakku daanninka

Kathundi kalla lopata


👨 : Evariki teliyani lokam

Choopisthunde nee maikam

Idi nijama mari mahima emoo


👩 : Atu itu teliyani padham

Urakesedenduku papam

Avasarama kudiedamo emo


👨 : Kalallo ne Ulikkipadthunaa

Nijaanni o kolikki thevente

Ila ayomayamga nennunaa

Idantu Thelchavemite


👨 : Nuvvochhi naa prapanchamouthunte

Prapanchame nishabdhamouthunde

Tappasulaa ninne smarinchina smarinchina


👩 : Pogadthal Pogadthal unna

Vinenduku oo vidhanga bagundhe

Vayasuloo vayasuloo anthe

Kasaminchinaa kasaminchinaa


👨 : cilipigā ā'ā ā,

👩 : manas'sulō rahasyamēmunnā

👨 : bharin̄canā varin̄canā

Kalallo ne Ulikkipadthunaa

Nijaanni o kolikki thevente

🎶 lala la.. la.. la... 🎶

Ila ayomayamga nennunaa

Idantu Thelchavemite

🎶 lala la.. la.. la.. 🎶

Evariki teliyani lokam

Choopisthunde nee maikam

Idi nijama mari mahima emoo


Atu itu teliyani padham

Urakesedenduku papam

Avasarama kudiedamo emo


Kalallo ne Ulikkipadthunaa

Nijaanni o kolikki thevente

🎶 lala la.. la.. la... 🎶


The song Kalallo is from which film?
The song Kalallo is from Virupaksha movie.

Who composed the song Kalallo ?
B. Ajaneesh Loknath composed the song Kalallo.

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