Head Up High - Custody (Telugu song)

The lyric for the Head Up High song from the Custody film is accessible in both English and Telugu. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Head Up High - Custody (Telugu song)

💰 Producer Srinivasaa Chitturi
🎹 Music Ilaiyaraaja / Yuvan Shankar Raja
🎤 Singer(s) YuvanShankarRaja, ArunKaundinya, AsalKolar
📽 Movie Custody
🎶 Song Name Head Up High
Other Languages Telugu
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the Junglee Music Telugu channel.


Head-up high Looking fly

Got the feeling that the World is mine


From the streets Dreaming big

But ain’t no longer dreaming This legit


Safety security-ki

Symbol ee khakheeraa

Muftilo unna manaa

Power-eh pattaakeera


Duty lo round the clock

Full tu chalaakeera

Ee laatitho journey

Chese life entho luckyra


Rojuvaari service ki

Rojapoola sanmaanaale

Vaddhule assale


Vennuthatti well done ano

Thank-you ano publice ante

Adhi chaale happyle


Shanti om shanti

Manthram maa ninadham

Jolly jollygaa

Janamtho kalisipotham


Kanti niddharlu maani


Rakshinche karthavyam maadhantam


👨 : Elanti chikkulu

Chitikesi pilichinaa

Sri vishnu-moorthilaa

Hello antaam


E Raatri velalo

Eh godava jariginaa


Chelo antam


Undi lennattu unnadhe

Family time-u

First wife-eh-gaa

Vesukunna uniform-u


Prathi police-u life-eh

Idhi same-u same-u

Entha kashtanainaa



👩 : Head-up high Looking fly

Got the feeling that the World is mine


From the streets Dreaming big

But ain’t no longer dreaming This legit


👨 : Head-up high Looking fly

Got the feeling that the World is mine


From the streets Dreaming big

But ain’t no longer dreaming This legit.

The song Head Up High is from which film?
The song Head Up High is from Custody movie.

Who sings the song Head Up High ?
YuvanShankarRaja, ArunKaundinya, AsalKolar sings the song Head Up High.

Who composed the song Head Up High ?
Ilaiyaraaja / Yuvan Shankar Raja composed the song Head Up High.

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