Haalaake Maarunne - Sulaikha Manzil (Malayalam song)

The lyric for the Haalaake Maarunne song from the Sulaikha Manzil film is accessible in both English and Malayalam. The lines are perfectly timed to the music. Sulaikha manzil song lyrics malayalam is available here.

Haalaake Maarunne - Sulaikha Manzil (Malayalam song)

๐ŸŽถ Song Name Haalaake Maarunne
๐Ÿ“ƒ Lyrics Mu.Ri
๐ŸŽน Music Vishnu Vijay
๐ŸŽค Singer(s) Vishnu Vijay, Pushpavathy Poyppadathu, Ahi Ajayan
๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ Cast Lukman Avaran, Chemban Vinod Jose, Anarkali Marikar
๐ŸŽฅ Director Ashraf Hamza
๐Ÿ’ฐ Producer Chemban Vinod Jose, Subeesh Kannanchery, Sameer Karat
๐Ÿ“ฝ Movie Sulaikha Manzil
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the Think Music India channel.

๐Ÿ‘ฉ : Pathichandrikaye

Pathinaalinte Paloliye

Rakkaniye Thaarakame

Mathi Pole Prekashithaye

Azhakale Vibhooshithaye

Alivaale Lankrithaye

Azhakale Vibhooshithaye

Alivaale Lankrithaye


Madhurakinavinte Kathak Thurakkunna

Mathibramadhayini Parimalagathre

Haletha.. Hale Ninne Kandalke

Halake Marunne


Madhurakinavinte Kathak Thurakkunna

Mathibramadhayini Parimalagathre

Haletha.. Hale Ninne Kandalke

Halake Marunne


Kala Palathariyam

Penne Dhaffil Muttunon

Pinne Kolil Kottunnon

Ninte Nenjil Thattunnon

Irumai Thakathai

Thalam Thammil Kollanaay

Pennaima Aaneima Kondono

Mannum Vinnum Onnona

Swargathingalethipetta Yatheeminaale

Haletha.. Hale Ninne Kandalke

Halake Marunne

Haletha.. Hale Ninne Kandalke

Halake Marunne


๐Ÿ‘ฉ : Padayalikalayiramayiramaay


Padayodiya Paana Bhoomika

Thaandiya Samhithaya

Palakalpanakal Kavikal

Panithittoru Sambavama

Palapamara Maanav Manasa

Sangada Sangathiya


Chinthapoonthottahe Chanthathinaale

Shangapoopmpatte Thennipaaralle

Nin Chirakadi Silsilayaale

Madhupodiyana Panimalarake

Poompodithari Chnthan Poonkavil Chokkan

Poothikalaayiram Poovithalaakan

Pooth Nikkan Paatt Paadan


Thananathile Maniyarayake

Niramalarani Varnanayale

Su-Priyarasa Padhanisa

Sarigama Padharasa Radhamathi





Haletha.. Hale Ninne Kandalke

Halake Marunne


Madhurakinavinte Kathak Thurakkunna

Mathibramadhayini Parimalagathre

Haletha.. Hale Ninne Kandalke

Halake Marunne


Kala Palathariyam

Penne Dhaffil Muttunon

Pinne Kolil Kottunnon

Ninte Nenjil Thattunnon

Irumai Thakathai

Thalam Thammil Kollanaay

Pennaima Aaneima Kondono

Mannum Vinnum Onnona

Swargathingalethipetta Yatheeminaale

Haletha.. Hale Ninne Kandalke

Halake Marunne

Haletha.. Hale Ninne Kandalke

Halake Marunne

Who sings the song Haalaake Maarunne ?
Vishnu Vijay, Pushpavathy Poyppadathu, Ahi Ajayan sings the song Haalaake Maarunne.

Who composed the song Haalaake Maarunne ?
Vishnu Vijay composed the song Haalaake Maarunne.

The song Haalaake Maarunne is from which film?
The song Haalaake Maarunne is from Sulaikha Manzil movie.

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