Ayya Baboi - Sadha Nannu Nadipe (Telugu song)

In the Telugu film Sadha Nannu Nadipe, Vaishnavi Patwardhan and Lanka Pratheek Prem Karan have major parts. It is a drama that Lanka Pratheek Prem Karan is directing.

Ayya Baboi - Sadha Nannu Nadipe (Telugu song)

📽 Movie Sadha Nannu Nadipe
💰 Producer Rahul Prem movie makers, Lanka Karunakar Dass
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Pratheek Prem, Vaishnavi Patwardhan, Konidela.Nagababu, Ali, Rajeev kanakala, Surya
🎹 Music Prabhu Praveen, Shubhankar
🎶 Song Name Ayya Baboi
🎤 Singer(s) Revanth
📃 Lyrics Daddy Srinivas
Other Songs
Channel credits Subscribe to the Lahari Music | T-Series channel.



👨 : Oyy, Chasthunna Nuvu Choosthunnaava

Chitti Gundelo Chichhu Petti Nuv Velipothaava

Oyy Are Ninne Asalintunnaava

Chinni Thappuke Chinnavaadipai Paga Padathaava


👨 : Sorry Antunna O Sorry Manninchavaa

Lempalesthunna Nee Cheyyi Andhinchavaa

Bujjagisthunna Bhoothamlaa Nanu Choosthaava

Pichhonnavuthunna Neekopame Veedavaa


👨 : Ayya Baboi, Ayya Baboi… Ayya Baboi

Ara Baboi… Ara Baboi, Baboi

Ayya Baboi, Ayya Baboi… Ayya Baboi

Ara Baboi… Ara Baboi, Baboi


osi muddugum'ma… buṅgamūti peṭṭamāku

kāḷlu paṭṭukōnā

baṅgāru bom'ma cālu alaka

netti neṭṭi ninnu cūsukōnā


nā ūpirāgipōyina… guṇḍe āgipōyina

ninnu vīḍi uṇḍalēnē lalanā

nannu cīdarin̄ci tiṭṭina… cinna cūpu cūsinā

prāṇamainā nīku ivvanā


enta nuvvoddannā… anta prēmistunnā

dūraṅgā veḷḷina… nīḍai nē vastunnā

madi māṭalanē… pāṭaluga cebutunnā


👨 : Ayya Baboi, Ayya Baboi… Ayya Baboi

Ara Baboi… Ara Baboi, Baboi

Ayya Baboi, Ayya Baboi… Ayya Baboi

Ara Baboi… Ara Baboi, Baboi


ākāśamantā prēma nādi

ālakin̄ci cūpu kāsta corava

āvēśamē taggin̄cukoni

ceyyi paṭṭi centakē cēravā


nī pantamiṅka vīḍavā

endukanta biguva

maṅkupaṭṭu mānukōvē maguvā

nā māṭalas'salinavā

maunamiṅka mānavā

ceyyamāku ika goḍavā


rākṣasī māravā śikṣa taggin̄cavā

guṇḍepai vālavā śvāsanē pan̄cavā

nanu nī pedavula cirunavvugā mārcey vā


👨 : Ayya Baboi, Ayya Baboi… Ayya Baboi

Ara Baboi… Ara Baboi, Baboi

Ayya Baboi, Ayya Baboi… Ayya Baboi

Ara Baboi… Ara Baboi, Baboi

Who composed the song Ayya Baboi ?
Prabhu Praveen, Shubhankar composed the song Ayya Baboi.

Who sings the song Ayya Baboi ?
Revanth sings the song Ayya Baboi.

The song Ayya Baboi is from which film?
The song Ayya Baboi is from Sadha Nannu Nadipe movie.

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