Vesavi Kalam - Kalyanamastu (Telugu song)

The movie Kalyanamastu features the song Vesavi Kalam, which is sung by Yazin Nizar and Aditi Bhavaraju. The music for the song was composed by RR Dhruvan, and the lyrics were penned by Alaraju.

Vesavi Kalam - Kalyanamastu (Telugu song)

📽 Movie Kalyanamastu
💰 Producer Boyapati Raghu Babu
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Shekar Ayan Varma, Vaibhavi
🎹 Music RR Dhruvan
📃 Lyrics Alaraju
🎶 Song Name Vesavi Kalam
Channel credits Subscribe to the Tips Telugu channel.


👨 : Vesavi-kaalam vennela nuvvai

Saayamkaalam challani gaalai

gundelloki vacchi vaalaave


👩 : Entho kaalam vecha neekai

kalise kaalam vacche manakai

kalale daati nanne cheraave


👨 : Nee vaipe chusela Naa kallaki

sankellu vesaavule

👩 : Nee vente saagela paadhalaki

pattaalu nerpaavule

👨 : hmmm, Kanikatte chesaave kanusaigatho


👨 : Vesavi-kaalam vennela nuvvai

Saayamkaalam challani gaalai

gundelloki vacchi vaalaave


👩 : Entho kaalam vecha neekai

kalise kaalam vacche manakai

kalale daati nanne cheraave

👩 : 🎵

👨 : 🎵

👨 : Nee jathalo needalle undanaa kadadhaka

kanneeru annadhe raaneeka

👩 : Yem maayano nadipindi nannilaa nidhaakaa

Adugaiana dhurame kaaninkaa

👨 : Ye janmalonu inthati yogam raadhe

👩 : Enaleni santhoshaala jaade neeve

👨 : Harivillai rangullo munchesaave


👨 : Vesavi-kaalam vennela nuvvai

Saayamkaalam challani gaalai

gundelloki vacchi vaalaave


👨 : O o kathaga cheppaali ante neepai ishtam

enthaina saripodhule samayam

👩 : Nee navvune chusthune unte mari kalakaalam

Nanu apaledhu ika ye kashtam

👨 : Kalanaina vidipodanta neepai dhyasa

👩 : Kadadhaka nedhenanta

Naa prati swasa

👨 : ho Aipoya nee premake baanisa


👨 : Aaa Vesavi-kaalam vennela nuvvai

Saayamkaalam challani gaalai

gundelloki vacchi vaalaave


👩 : Entho kaalam vecha neekai

kalise kaalam vacche manakai

kalale daati nanne cheraave

Who composed the song Vesavi Kalam ?
RR Dhruvan composed the song Vesavi Kalam.

The song Vesavi Kalam is from which film?
The song Vesavi Kalam is from Kalyanamastu movie.

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