Vennello Aadapilla - Bedurulanka 2012 (Telugu song)

The lyric for the Vennello Aadapilla song from the Bedurulanka 2012 film is accessible in both English and Telugu. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Vennello Aadapilla - Bedurulanka 2012 (Telugu song)

🎶 Song Name Vennello Aadapilla
🎹 Music Mani Sharma
📃 Lyrics Sirivennela Seetharamashastry, Kittu Vissapragada, Krishna Chaitanya
🎤 Singer(s) Harika Narayan & J.V. Sudhanshu
📽 Movie Bedurulanka 2012
💰 Producer Ravindra Benerjee Muppaneni
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Kartikeya Gummakonda, Neha Shetty
Channel credits Subscribe to the Sony Music South channel.


👨 : Vennello aadapilla

Kavinche kanne pillaa

Kopamga choosthe ellaa

Kshanamlo aggipullaa


👩 : Chaal chaale kaalimatulopu

Palevi ledhuganiniku

Palakarinche vennello oo chadhuramma

Pulakarinche kabullu vindhamauramma


👩 : Ee vela kaani vela

Nee daari maaripodhaa

👨 : Nee jayithi gavunnaa

Madhaani amaa raadha

Naa needakooda ninnu

Taaki ulikipadenugaa


👨 : Vennello aadapilla

Kavinche kanne pillaa

Kopamga choosthe ellaa

Kshanamlo aggipulla


👩 : Daayi daayi antu

Nanu pilichindhe kaala

Inthe raathirela

Naluguru choosthe elaa


👨 : Prapanchani kendhe vere

paani ledhu gaa

Mana padhedho manadhe kadhaa


👩 : Hridaya vatanalam chiraledhuga

Nukuvakaine nindhe adha

👨 : Jonayedha 👩 : samayamkaadhuga

👫 : Nidhuruvedhot dharicheruna


Vennello aadapilla

Vennello aadapilla


👩 : Reyi dachukunna merupla jabillini

Dongachatugane nelaku techedela

👨 : Arenuvumundhun therelu chooduga

Chandamane unidi nuga


👩 : Ila kaaru koothatni chebithe ela

Manasu neekey rasivvanaa

👨 : Munivaipuga 👩 : kadhamaru dhiga

👫 : Veluguneera neera jata


Vennello aadapilla

Vennello aadapilla

Who composed the song Vennello Aadapilla ?
Mani Sharma composed the song Vennello Aadapilla.

Who sings the song Vennello Aadapilla ?
Harika Narayan & J.V. Sudhanshu sings the song Vennello Aadapilla.

The song Vennello Aadapilla is from which film?
The song Vennello Aadapilla is from Bedurulanka 2012 movie.

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