Title track - Changure Bangaru Raja (Telugu song)

Ravi Teja is venturing into the bustling world of production, as he recently unveiled his own production house, RT Teamworks. With a vision to promote emerging talent, the actor is set to produce films in the near future. In line with this endeavor, a brand-new movie titled 'Changure Bangaru Raja' was officially launched today, featuring Karthik Rathnam and Kushita Kallapu as the lead pair. The film is being helmed by director Satish Varma. Promising to be a delightful blend of crime and comedy, 'Changure Bangaru Raja' commenced its journey with a ceremonial pooja held during the launch event.

Title track - Changure Bangaru Raja (Telugu song)

👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Karthik Rathnam, Satish Varma, Saurabh
💰 Producer Ravi Teja
🎹 Music Krishna Saurabh
📽 Movie Changure Bangaru Raja
🎶 Song Name Title track
🎥 Director Satish Varma
Channel credits Subscribe to the Saregama Telugu channel.

Saregama credits


Bangaru Raja

Moving Like A Soldier

Stepping Up the Game Like

He is the Baap and

You are the Beta


Changu Changu

Changure Bangaru Raja

Changure Bangaru Raja

Geethaki Ee Pakka Aaja

Chengu Chengu Chengumantu

Parugu Thiyyaraa


Choopulu Blazing Like Fiyah

Gundello Mandeti Burning Desire


Changu Changu

Changure Bangaru Raja

Chengu Chengu Chengumantu

Parugu Thiyyaraa


Changure Bangaru Raja

Geethaki Ee Pakka Aaja

Bhayamtho Kaalaanni

Gadipindhi Chaalu

To Start Your Vetaa


Choopulu Blazing Like Fiyah

Gundello Mandeti Burning Desire

Pull Up Your Sock and

Don’t Give A Duck

Cause We Going

Higher Higher Higher


Changure Bangaru Raja

Changure Bangaru Raja

You Can Change This

Like A Fighter

This Can Never Be

Your Thala-Raatha


You Gotta a Move, Gotta a Remove

Clearing Things That Staged on You

You Gotta a Move, You gotta a Groove

Smashing Them Enemies Like Kaboom


Bangaru Raja

Moving Like A Soldier

Stepping Up the Game Like

He is the Baap and

You are the Beta


Changu Changu

Changure Bangaru Raja

Changure Bangaru Raja

Geethaki Ee Pakka Aaja

Chengu Chengu Chengumantu

Parugu Thiyyaraa


Choopulu Blazing Like Fiyah

Gundello Mandeti Burning Desire


Changu Changu

Changure Bangaru Raja

Chengu Chengu Chengumantu

Parugu Thiyyaraa


Who composed the song Title track ?
Krishna Saurabh composed the song Title track.

The song Title track is from which film?
The song Title track is from Changure Bangaru Raja movie.

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