Theme Song - Bhuvana Vijayam (Telugu song)

Yalamanda Charan is the director of the comedy-thriller film Bhuvana Vijayam. Together with Jabardasth Raghava, Goparaju Ramana, Raj Tirandasu, Anant Sonia Chowdary, Sathi Pandu, and many others, the film stars Sunil, Srinivas Reddy, Viva Harsha, Vasanthi, Pruthvi, and Dhanraj in the primary lead parts. Chota K Prasad edited the film while Sai handled the cinematography. The soundtrack was written by Shekar Chandra. Producing the movie are P. Uday Kiran and V. Srikanth. Under the banners of Himalaya Studio Mansions and Mirth Media

Theme Song - Bhuvana Vijayam (Telugu song)

🎶 Song Name Theme Song
🎹 Music Shekar Chandra
🎤 Singer(s) Chaitu Satsangi
📃 Lyrics Wittu Babu
💰 Producer P.uday Kiran & V.srikanth
🎥 Director Charan
📽 Movie Bhuvana Vijayam
Channel credits Subscribe to the Aditya Music India channel.


👨 : Dhanam Kadhanam Rudhiram Maranam

Dhanam Kadhanam Rudhiram Maranam


Kathana-Kadhanamuna Gelichedhevaro

Kaalagarbhamuna Kalisedhevaro

Bhuvana Vijayamunu Valachedhevaro, Evaro


Kannapegune Kaapaadukune

Thapana Okaridhi

Thappinchukoni Taladaachukune

Thanuvu Okaridhi


Prema Okaridhi, Swardhamokaridhi

Vidhi-Raathalalo Vidhi-Nirvahanala

Taguvu Okaridhi

Thapanalanaina Thaguvulakaina

Thappadhu Antharmadhanam


Idi Bhuvana-Vijayamanu Charanam

Idi Bhuvana-Vijayamanu Charanam


👨 : Okariki Khedham, Okariki Modham

Vidhikedho Aamodham

Potilona Praaname Panam

Yathnam Charvitha Charvanam


Kaalaatheetham Ayyindhante

Amruthamaina Visham

Thanavaaraina Thappadhu Yuddham

Gelavadamokate Lakshyam


Dhanam Kadhanam Rudhiram Maranam

Dhanam Kadhanam Rudhiram Maranam


The song Theme Song is from which film?
The song Theme Song is from Bhuvana Vijayam movie.

Who sings the song Theme Song ?
Chaitu Satsangi sings the song Theme Song.

Who composed the song Theme Song ?
Shekar Chandra composed the song Theme Song.

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