Ragada - Chengiz

The lyric for the Ragada song from the Chengiz film is accessible in both English and Hindi. The lines are perfectly timed to the music. Revolves on Calcutta's criminal underworld from the 1970s through the mid-1990s. Chengiz was in charge of the streets at that time. interestingly describes his life's path.

Ragada - Chengiz

📽 Movie Chengiz
🎶 Song Name Ragada
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Jeet,Rohit Roy,Shataf Figar
🎥 Director Rajesh Ganguly
Channel credits Subscribe to the Grassroot Entertainment channel.

Hey ra, ra ra ra

Hey ra, ra ra ra o


Haye dhumdhadaka masti hobe

Aajke sara raat

Hey buk pocket e jigri niye

Korbo bajimaat


Haye dhumdhadaka masti hobe

Aajke sara raat

Hey buk pocket e jigri niye

Korbo bajimaat

Aay jombe ebar khela

Sob hiseb bojhar pala

E panga nile asto gile nebo re shala

Hey ragada ragada


Ho kuasha keteche chand o utheche

Neshay mon choralo simana


Ho kuasha keteche chand o utheche

Neshay mon choralo simana

Ghumiye chilo bagh lukiye rekhe raag

Khuje nebe se tar nishana

E buke khoto bereche joto

Hiseb debe aajke jamana

Ragada ragada ragada ragada

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