Rafta Rafta - Hunter (Hindi song)

The lyric for the Rafta Rafta song from the Hunter film is accessible in both English and Hindi. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Rafta Rafta - Hunter (Hindi song)

🎤 Singer(s) Suraj Jagan
🎹 Music Suraj Jagan
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Suniel Shetty, Esha Deol, Rahul Dev, Smita Jayakar, Barkha Bisht, Karanvir Sharma, Pawan Chopra, Mihir Ahuja, Siddharth Kher, Harssh A Singh, Enakshi Ganguly, Teena Singh
🎥 Director Prince Dhiman and Alok Batra
💰 Producer Yoodlee Films, Vikram Mehra, Siddharth Anand Kumar
📃 Lyrics Raqueeb Alam, Kausar Munir
📽 Movie Hunter
🎶 Song Name Rafta Rafta
Channel credits Subscribe to the Saregama Music channel.


👨 : Are rafta rafta

Dekho aankh meri ladi hai

Are rafta rafta

Dekho aankh meri ladi hai


Aankh jisse ladi hai

Wo paas mere khadi hai

Mujhe janti hai jabase

Ye marti hai tabase

Mai bhi ise chori chhupe

Chahata hun tabase

Dil me ye mere basgai


Are rafta rafta

Dekho aankh meri ladi hai

Are rafta rafta

Dekho aankh meri ladi hai


Aankh jisse ladi hai

Wo paas mere khadi hai


👨 : Mujhe pyar sikhaya kisane

Mujhe pyar sikhaya kisane

Mujhe pyar sikhake

Deewana banaya kisane


Ye pyar Ka Kamal hai

Sharab kaa surur nahi

Honaa tha so ho gaya

Kisi ka bhi kasoor nahi

Saanso me mere ras gai


Are pehle shararat kisane ki

Are pehle shararat kisane ki

Are pehle shararat

karake mohabbat kisane ki


Tsko pasand mai

Mujhe ye pasand hai

Dil se mila hai dil

Baat yaha band hai

Baat bhi hai ya asli


Are rafta rafta

Dekho aankh meri ladi hai


Aankh jisse ladi hai

Wo paas mere khadi hai


Are rafta rafta

Dekho aankh meri ladi hai


Aankh jisse ladi hai

Wo paas mere khadi hai

Wo paas mere khadi hai

Wo paas mere khadi hai


The song Rafta Rafta is from which film?
The song Rafta Rafta is from Hunter movie.

Who composed the song Rafta Rafta ?
Suraj Jagan composed the song Rafta Rafta.

Who sings the song Rafta Rafta ?
Suraj Jagan sings the song Rafta Rafta.

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