Polladha Ulagam Song Lyrics

G. V. Prakash Kumar composed the Polladha Ulagam song for the Maaran film. Dhanush and Arivu have penned this song. Vivek is the author of the lyrics. In this film, Dhanush and Malavika Mohanan play the key roles. Both English and Tamil lyrics are available for the Polladha Ulagam song from the Maaran film. The words are precisely matched to the beat of the music.

Polladha Ulagam Song Lyrics

📽 Movie Maaran
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Dhanush and Malavika Mohanan
🎤 Singer(s) Dhanush and Arivu
🎹 Music G. V. Prakash Kumar
📃 Lyrics Vivek
📖 Language Tamil
🎶 Song Name idhu polladha ulagam
Channel credits Subscribe to the T-Series Tamil channel.


👨: Hey… idhu polladha ulagam

Nee romba sharp-ah iru

Yaarukkum yaar enna koraichal

Nee konjam mass-aah iru


👨: Avan right unbaan bro

Ivan thappumbaan bro

Idha ellathaiyum kettaakka

How will you grow


👨: Unna king unbaan bro

Vuttaa god unbaan bro

Apram sangootha poraannu

How will you know


👨: Un rootta nee podu

Un match ah nee aadu

Ada aaru ballum sixer adi daa


👨: Hey… idhu polladha ulagam

Nee romba sharp-aah iru

Yaarukkum yaar enna koraichal

Nee konjam mass-aah iru


👨: En vazhi pudichaalum I love you maa

Maa maa maa..

Nee enna veruthaalum I love you maa

Maa maa maa..


👨: Large aah nee jeichaathaan

Small aah nee aadiko

Nee sindhum vervaikku

Poo maalai soodikko

Pudicha vaazhka simple-naalum

Gethu thaana bro

Vizhunthu porandu enthiruchaalum

Worth-uh thaana bro


👨: Ae.. un rootta nee podu

Un match ah nee aadu

Ada aaru baallum sixer adi daa


👨: Hey… ey idhu polladha ulagam

Nee romba sharp-ah iru

Yaarukkum yaar enna koraichal

Nee konjam mass-ah iru


👨: Avan rightu enbaan bro

Ivan thappumbaan bro

Idha ellathaiyum kettaakka

How will you grow


👨: Unna king unbaan bro

Vuttaa god unbaan bro

Apram sangootha poraannu

How will you know


👨: When are you will Gonna be you right

you gonna be the hero

Never get to that You know what i said

Savage savage chase bro


👨: When are you will Gonna be you right

Never get to that You know what i said

Savage savage chase bro


Who composed the song idhu polladha ulagam ?
G. V. Prakash Kumar composed the song idhu polladha ulagam.

Who sings the song idhu polladha ulagam ?
Dhanush and Arivu sings the song idhu polladha ulagam.

The song idhu polladha ulagam is from which film?
The song idhu polladha ulagam is from Maaran movie.

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