Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo - Dasara (Tamil song)

The lyric for the Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo song from the Dasara film is accessible in both English and Tamil. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo - Dasara (Tamil song)

📃 Lyrics Muthamil
🎤 Singer(s) Anurag Kulkarni
📽 Movie Dasara
🎶 Song Name Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo
🎥 Director Srikanth Odela
💰 Producer Sudhakar Cherukuri
🎹 Music Santhosh Narayanan
Channel credits Subscribe to the Saregama Tamil channel.

Saregama credits


👨 : Oh.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo..

Laa laala lallallaa Mannil molacha nelakkari thoolaa..

Oh.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo..

Naan odi varayum sunnaambaala thaan sentha katti thoolaa..


Thooruthuthu thooruthuthu..

Thenaana thenee paaduthe mella..

Thooruthuthu Thooruthuthu..

Naanunthaan thedi naganthen..


👨 : Muttithaan mithichi thathithaan kuthichi..

Moththamaa oora etti paaththen..

Siththira palaga veyilukku kodayaa..

Kitta vachi naan suththi vanthen..

Ayisa rusichi thinnaalum..

Angathaan enn kannu paakkum..

Vennilaa paakkum pothu

theerilthaan aappilaa inikkum..


Oh.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo..

Naan thondi edukkukm

mannil molacha nelakkari thoolaa..


👨 : Kannile vennilaa..

Theriyuthe thooramaa..


👨 : Oli-aadum nilava nilalaaga ottuven..

Enn kaalu sattaya kayiraala kattuven..

Thala mela ennodu ava moochu vittaale..

Oru neela sittaaga thaniyaa selvene..

Pulikoththa seththu ela koyyaavodu..

Naan thinnu theeppen..

Naan aattukkuttiyaa kannukkuttiyaa..

Thaththik kuthichi povene..

Kottum malaiyil poova polathaan..

Pattu nanjene..


👨 : Oh.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo..


👩 : 🎶

👨 : Oh.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo.. thallelaalo..

Laa laala lallallaa

Who composed the song Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo ?
Santhosh Narayanan composed the song Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo.

The song Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo is from which film?
The song Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo is from Dasara movie.

Who sings the song Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo ?
Anurag Kulkarni sings the song Oh Thallelaalo Thallelaalo.

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