Oh Cheli - Praneeth Muzic (Telugu song)

The lyric for the Oh Cheli song from the Praneeth Muzic is accessible in both English and Telugu. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Oh Cheli - Praneeth Muzic (Telugu song)

🎶 Song Name Oh Cheli
🎥 Director Karthik
📃 Lyrics Kittu Vissapragada
🎤 Singer(s) Praneeth Muzic, Kavya Chandana
💰 Producer Praneeth Muzic
Channel credits Subscribe to the Aditya Music India channel.




👨 : Oohallo oorege aalavate

Munupeppudu ledhe

Nee valle modhalainadhe

Ee maaya gamaninchane ledhe


Ninne chusthu chusthu neela naala nene

Naalo matladesthu murisipothu unte

Edhurai velli manasu paike cheppalantu

Dhairyam ledha antu edipisthhu undhe


Bhuvipaiki vachhina devathaa

Nuvve ani antunnaane

Mana jante super cuteani

Andharu anukunte vinnane


Andhaniki kuda ninne

Chudalani anipisthundhe

Athiloka sundhari nuvvani

Garvangaane chepesthaane


Oh cheli harivilluve nuvva

Oh sakhi tholi chinukuve nuvva

Oh cheli bangarame nuvva

Oh sakhi naa praname nuvva


👩 : Kanule kanule ninu chudagane

Kalalo kalala ninu dhaachinaadhe

Evare evare adigindhi maadhe

Thamare thamare antundhi kadhe


👨 : Nuvve kanapadakunta

Naa roje modhalavvadhe

👩 : Kantipaapalo nenuntaale

Reppavaalithe kanipisthaale


👨 : Nee maata vinakunda

Naa roje purthavadhe

👩 : Gunde chappude sariga vinte

Savvadantha naa pere undhe


👨 : Ee roju nenu neetho repu chooputhunna

Nuvvu nenu manamaiyedhepudani edhuru chusthunna

👩 : Arey arey oorinchi oorinchi champe aata bagundhe

Inkasthaa thondharapadi choodu nenu nee dhaanne


👨 : Oh priya cheli thaarave nuvva

Naa priya tholi vekuve nuvva

👩 : Oh sakha pedhavanchulo nuvva

Naa sakha chirunavvulo nuvva


👩 : Kanule kanule ninu chudagane

Kalalo kalala ninu dhaachinaadhe

Evare evare adigindhi maadhe

Thamare thamare antundhi kadhe


Who sings the song Oh Cheli ?
Praneeth Muzic, Kavya Chandana sings the song Oh Cheli.

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