Ninnu Choosi Choodanga - Katha Venuka Katha (Telugu song)

Ashwin has a dream of becoming a director, and he takes a big step towards realizing it when he meets a producer and shares his story. The producer likes it, and they start filming the movie. However, a sudden twist of events occurs when all five artists involved in the movie disappear without a trace. Now, Ashwin is faced with the daunting task of finding them before it's too late.

Ninnu Choosi Choodanga - Katha Venuka Katha (Telugu song)

🎶 Song Name Ninnu Choosi Choodanga
📃 Lyrics Purna Chari, Kasarla Shyam,Purnachari.
🎤 Singer(s) Sri Krishna, Ramya Behara
🎹 Music Shravan Bharadwaj
💰 Producer Dandamudi Avanindra Kumar
🎥 Director Krishna Chaithanya
📽 Movie Katha Venuka Katha
Channel credits Subscribe to the Aditya Music India channel.


👨 : Ninnu Chusi Chudanga

Naa Kanne Nannu

Daati Neevaipostundhe


👩 : Kannu Kannu Chalanta

Aa Choope Cheppe

Saiga Lone Maayundhe


👨 : Are Innallu Ledenti

Oo Tikamaka Lone Unnaa


👩 : Manasannaka Vintundha

Adhi Yepudo Apudu Padadhaa


👨 : Vayyari Vaalu Kallalo


Ivaala Nannu Kottaga

Neeku Ivvanaa


👩 : Atuga Velle Gaale Thagile

Nuvvenantu Thelipe Kabure


👨 : Nuvvu Aduge Vese

Aa Daarinanthalaa

Ne Guruthai Unta

Venakaala Needalaa


👩 : Kannu Kannu Chalanta

Aa Choope Cheppe

Saiga Lone Maayundhe


👨 : Ninnu Chusi Chudanga

Naa Kanne Nannu

Daati Neevaipostundhe

👩 : 🎶

👩 : Kadhile Megham

Chinukai Jaare

Parugai Nenu

Nadhila Maare


👨 : Nee Thiram Cheraa

Kadalalle Maarana

Oo Alalaa Ninne



Ninnu Chusi Chudanga

Naa Kanne Nannu

Daati Neevaipostundhe


👩 : Kannu Kannu Chalanta

Aa Choope Cheppe

Saiga Lone Maayundhe


👨 : Are Innallu Ledenti

Oo Tikamaka Lone Unnaa


👩 : Manasannaka Vintundha

Adhi Yepudo Apudu Padadhaa


👨 : Vayyari Vaalu Kallalo


Ivaala Nannu Kottaga

Neeku Ivvanaa

Who sings the song Ninnu Choosi Choodanga ?
Sri Krishna, Ramya Behara sings the song Ninnu Choosi Choodanga.

Who composed the song Ninnu Choosi Choodanga ?
Shravan Bharadwaj composed the song Ninnu Choosi Choodanga.

The song Ninnu Choosi Choodanga is from which film?
The song Ninnu Choosi Choodanga is from Katha Venuka Katha movie.

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