Naa Maralabeku - Thurthu Nirgamana (kannada song)

Thurthu Nirgamana is a coming-of-age fantasy drama about Vikram, who is given the chance to repeat his last three days of life. The crux of the novel is what he achieves in these three days, among all the magical realism.

Naa Maralabeku - Thurthu Nirgamana (kannada song)

🎶 Song Name Naa Maralabeku
🎤 Singer(s) Supriyaa Ram, Chaitra H G, Dossmode
📃 Lyrics Jayant Kaikini
🎹 Music Dossmode
💰 Production Bharath Kumar & Hemanth Kumar L
🎹 Music Dheerendra Doss 'Dossmode'
📽 Movie Thurthu Nirgamana
Channel credits Subscribe to the Divo Music channel.


👩 : Naa maralabeku badukige

Adara artha siguvavarege

Mukha aralabeku belakige

Hidida paatra mugivavarege

Nirupaaya naanu

Moodee bisilu nagutiralu

Gadiyaara enisutide nanna kshanaa

Begaa irulu kavidiralu

Kare needi seleyutide taaraganaa


👩 : Chitrava tiddi innomme bareve naanu

Innondu kitakiya terevenu

Sigada hosa anubhavavanu padeyuvenenu

Uttarakke kaadu tattarisutihudu hrudayaa

Urulutiralu samayaa

Dadege siguvude alegalaa parichayaa


Moodee bisilu nagutiralu

Gadiyaara enisutide nanna kshanaa

Begaa irulu kavidiralu

Kare needi seleyutide taaraganaa


Who sings the song Naa Maralabeku ?
Supriyaa Ram, Chaitra H G, Dossmode sings the song Naa Maralabeku.

Who composed the song Naa Maralabeku ?
Dossmode composed the song Naa Maralabeku.

Who composed the song Naa Maralabeku ?
Dheerendra Doss 'Dossmode' composed the song Naa Maralabeku.

The song Naa Maralabeku is from which film?
The song Naa Maralabeku is from Thurthu Nirgamana movie.

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