Kothaga Ledhenti Lyrics - Ranga Ranga Vaibhavanga (Telugu & English)

Panja Vaishnav Tej Kothaga Ledhenti Words Shree Mani wrote the lyrics for this song, which was arranged by DSP and sung by Arman Malik and Hari Priya.

Kothaga Ledhenti Lyrics - Ranga Ranga Vaibhavanga (Telugu & English)

📽 Movie Ranga Ranga Vaibhavanga
🎶 Song Kothaga Ledhenti
🎤 Singer(s) Arman Malik & Hari Priya
📃 Lyrics Shree Mani
🎹 Music Devi Sri Prasad
Channel credits Subscribe to the Sony Music South channel.


👨 : Kothaga Ledhenti

Kothaga Ledhenti

Intha Daggarunnaa Nuvvu Nenu

Kothaga Ledhenti


👩 : Endhukuntaadhenti


Entha Duramainaa Nuvvu Nenu

Okkate Kaabatti


👨 : Manishi Nakkaddo Unna

Manusi Nee Daggare

Nee Dooraloledunna

Kalavni Bhatuke


Okkarikokarai Kalisilenaa

Iddharam Okkarai Okkarai


Kothaga Ledhenti

Kothaga Ledhenti

Intha Daggarunnaa Nuvvu Nenu

Kothaga Ledhenti


👩 : Endhukuntaadhenti


Entha Duramainaa Nuvvu Nenu

Okkate Kaabatti


👨 : Gunde Sadi Thoti

Moddhu Sadi Poti

Haddhu Dhatindhe Ayina

Kothaga Ledhenti


👩 : Sekanuko Koti Kanaledhenti

Dhanitho Polchi Choosthe

Indhulo Goppenti


👨 : Entha Ekaanthamo

Mana Sonthame

Ayina Kothaga Ledhenti


👩 : Entha Badalokamo

Mana Maddhayalo

Ayina Eppudantigudhenti


👨 : Kothaga Ledhenti

Kothaga Ledhenti

Intha Daggarunnaa Nuvvu Nenu

Kothaga Ledhenti


👩 : Endhukuntaadhenti


Entha Duramainaa Nuvvu Nenu

Okkate Kaabatti


👨 : Kotthaguntundhi Prema Antaare

Pakkanundhi Preme Ayina

Kothaga Ledhenti


👩 : Modhati Adugese

Paapavaa Nuvvu

Intha Nadichakava Nadakalo



👨 : Enni Naala Bikshanam Ikkshanam

Ayina Kothaga Ledhenti


👩 : Enthakunte Ikkshanam


Anni Navvokam Paavatte


👨 : Kothaga Ledhenti

Kothaga Ledhenti

Intha Daggarunnaa Nuvvu Nenu

Kothaga Ledhenti


👩 : Endhukuntaadhenti


Entha Duramainaa Nuvvu Nenu

Okkate Kaabatti


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