Komaram Bheemudu song lyrics (Telugu) - RRR

Lyrics to the song Komaram Bheemudu from the film RRR, starring NTR, Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt, and Olivia Morris. Kaala Bhairava sang this Telugu song, which has music composed by MM Keeravani and lyrics written by Sudhala Ashok Teja.

Komaram Bheemudu song lyrics (Telugu) - RRR

📽 Movie RRR
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast NTR, Ram Charan, Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt
📃 Lyrics Sudhala Ashok Teja
🎤 Singer(s) Kaala Bhairava
Directior S.S. Rajamouli
💰 Producer DVV Danayya
🎶 Song Name Komuram bheemudo
Channel credits Subscribe to the Lahari Music | T-Series channel.


👨 : Bheema ninu ganna nela thalli

Oopiri bosina settu sema

Peru bettina gondu jaathi

Neetho maatladuthurra



👨 : Komuram bheemudo Komuram bheemudo

Korra soonegadole mandaali koduko

Mandaali koduko

Komuram bheemudo Komuram bheemudo

Ragaraga sooreedai ragalaali koduko

Ragalaali koduko


👨 : Kaalmoktha baanchanani

Vongi thogaala

Kaaradivi thalliki

Puttaanattero puttanattero

Julumu gaddheku thalanu

Vonchi thogaala

Dhudumu thalli peguna

Peraganattero peraganattero


👨 : Komuram bheemudo Komuram bheemudo

Korra soonegadole mandaali koduko

Mandaali koduko


👨 : Sarmamolise dhebbaku appantogaala

Sinike rakthamu soosi sedhiri thogaala

Gubulesi kanneeru voniki thogaala

Bhoothalli sanubaalu thaaganattero



👨 : Komuram bheemudo Komuram bheemudo

Korra soonegadole mandaali koduko

Mandaali koduko


👨 : Kaaluvai paare nee gunde netthuru

Kaaluvai paare nee gunde netthuru

Nelamma nudhiti bottaithundhi soodu

Amma kaallla paaranaithundhi soodu

Thalli pedhavula navvai merisndhi soodu


👨 : Komuram bheemudo Komuram beemudo

Pudami thalliki janama

Aranaa misthiviro komaram bhimudo


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