Kalaya Nijama - Calling Sahasra (Telugu song)

Let's check out the release date, trailer, cast, and crew of the movie Calling Sahasra. Directed by Arun Vikkirala, Calling Sahasra is an engaging Telugu film belonging to the genres of Crime, Mystery, and Thriller. Sudigali Sudheer, a prominent actor in the Telugu film industry, stars in this upcoming movie alongside renowned actors such as Spandana Palli, Dollysha, and Siva Balaji. Directed by Arun Vikkirala, Calling Sahasra has generated high expectations and is anticipated to be a blockbuster. The movie is scheduled to release in 2023.

Kalaya Nijama - Calling Sahasra (Telugu song)

🎶 Song Name Kalaya Nijama
🎤 Singer(s) K.S. Chithra
📽 Movie Calling Sahasra
💰 Producer Vijesh Kumar Tayal, Chiranjeevi Pamidi, Venkateswarulu Katuri
🎥 Director Arun Vikkirala
Channel credits Subscribe to the Aditya Music India channel.


👩 : Kalaya Nijama

Kalavaramemo Bahausa

Kadile kathala

Thochenuga Ee.. varasa


Arere Arere

Manasuku mundh telusaa

Telisee tanalo tanake

Taguve tagunaa


Prathi roju

Ne choose tholakarule

Eeroje merisaaye muthyalalai

Nanu taake ennenno varnale

Virisaaye harivillai eevela


Kalaya Nijama

Kalavaramemo Bahausa

Kadile kathala

Thochenuga Ee.. varasa


Evaru cherani eekantham

Nee oohalake adhi sontham

Edho teliyani aanandam

Edhalo ninde a aasantham


Alasina nee..

Kanu papalalo

Kalanai nene untaga

Kalathanu daati kannulalo

Niduraku nene laaliga


Sudoorala teerale ennaina

Sada cheruvega ne thodai


Kalaya Nijama

Kalavaramemo Bahausa

Kadile kathala

Thochenuga Ee.. varasa


Arere Arere

Manasuku mundh telusaa

Telisee tanalo tanake

Taguve tagunaa


Prathi roju

Ne choose tholakarule

Eeroje merisaaye muthyalalai

Nanu taake ennenno varnale

Virisaaye harivillai eevela


Kalaya Nijama

Kalavaramemo Bahausa

Kadile kathala

Thochenuga Ee.. varasa

The song Kalaya Nijama is from which film?
The song Kalaya Nijama is from Calling Sahasra movie.

Who sings the song Kalaya Nijama ?
K.S. Chithra sings the song Kalaya Nijama.

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