Kadaladu Paadam - Chor Bazaar (Telugu song)

Chor Bazaar is a romantic action entertainer film directed by Jeevan Reddy, who is known for his work with George Reddy. The film stars Akash Puri in the major role, alongside Subbaraju, Archana, and a slew of other actors in supporting roles. Suresh Bobbili composed the music, and the film is produced by VS Raju under the V Productions label.

Kadaladu Paadam - Chor Bazaar (Telugu song)

🎥 Director B.Jeevan Reddy
🎶 Song Name Kadaladu Paadam
🎤 Singer(s) Sid Sriram
📃 Lyrics Mittapally Surendar
🎹 Music Suresh Bobbili
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Akash Puri, Gehnna Sippyy, Subbarju, Sunil, Sampoorneshbabu and others
💰 Producer V S Raju
📽 Movie Chor Bazaar
Channel credits Subscribe to the Lahari Music | T-Series channel.

👨 : 🎶

👨 : Kadaladu paadam

Eduruga nuvvu kanapadakunte

Nilavadu pranam

Nimisham ninu chudakapothe


👨 : Pedavula mounam

Chesenu naa yedalo gaayam

Vinapaduthundaa priyuraala

Virahapu raagam


👨 : Neram erugane nesthama

Siksha veyuta nyaayamaa

Kannu moosthe ninta kanna

Narakam untuntaa

👨 : 🎶

👨 : 🎶 Full lyrics coming soon 🎶

👨 : santhosham neevai

Raanantu selavantey

Avedana naalo

Nadila ponginde


👨 : Ninu chupe

Swapnam Naa

Nidharane Chedemestuntey

Nannu Daachina

Nee Hrudayam

Enduko Veliveshtunte

Ninnati Mana Prathi Gnapakam

Neddu Nannu Niladeestunte


👨 : Kadaladu paadam

Eduruga nuvvu kanapadakunte

Nilavadu pranam

Nimisham ninu chudakapothe


👨 : Pedavula mounam

Chesenu naa yedalo gaayam

Vinapaduthundaa priyuraala

Virahapu raagam


👨 : Neram erugane nesthama

Siksha veyuta nyaayamaa

Kannu moosthe ninta kanna

Narakam untuntaa

👨 : 🎶 Full lyrics coming soon 🎶

The song Kadaladu Paadam is from which film?
The song Kadaladu Paadam is from Chor Bazaar movie.

Who composed the song Kadaladu Paadam ?
Suresh Bobbili composed the song Kadaladu Paadam.

Who sings the song Kadaladu Paadam ?
Sid Sriram sings the song Kadaladu Paadam.

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