Jatta Ve - Jonty (Punjabi song)

The lyric for the Jatta Ve song from the Jonty is accessible in both English and Punjabi. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Jatta Ve - Jonty (Punjabi song)

🎶 Song Name Jatta Ve
🎤 Singer(s) Jonty
🎹 Music Freak Singh
📃 Lyrics Shaami
🎥 Director Puneet S Bedi & Mohit Midda
💰 Producer Gunbir Singh Sidhu & Manmord Singh Sidhu
Channel credits Subscribe to the White Hill Music channel.


👨 : Jatta ve jatta ve pyaar nayi karda ratta ve

Ki milda ae das tenu dil te maar ke satta ve

Jatta ve jatta ve pyaar nayi karda ratta ve

Ki milda ae das tenu dil te maar ke satta ve


👨 : Oh je pehla pata hunda menu tera variya

Pyaar mai tenu kardi na

Karke le gayi kaid ch menu

Akh main teri pardi na

Tere utte mardi na

Tere utte mardi na

Karke mere na maanayian

Gaira nu dinne matta ve

Gaira nu dinne matta ve

Gaira nu dinne matta ve


👨 : Jatta ve jatta ve pyaar nayi karda ratta ve

Ki milda ae das tenu dil pe maar ke satta ve

Jatta ve jatta ve pyaar nayi karda ratta ve

Ki milda ae das tenu dil pe maar ke satta ve

👨 : 🎵

👨 : Kathe kade dekhan si moon chan ve

Kholya tu satto haye sukoon chan ve

Pyaar nal bolna ta bhul he gaye

Aakda da kalaya kunoon chann ve


Sachiyaan mohabbat da shami

Changa sala tu ditta ve

Changa sala tu ditta ve

Changa sala tu ditta ve


👨 : Jatta ve jatta ve pyaar nayi karda ratta ve

Ki milda ae das tenu dil pe maar ke satta ve

Jatta ve jatta ve pyaar nayi karda ratta ve

Ki milda ae das tenu dil pe maar ke satta ve

Who sings the song Jatta Ve ?
Jonty sings the song Jatta Ve.

Who composed the song Jatta Ve ?
Freak Singh composed the song Jatta Ve.

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