Ipude Parichayame - Manu Charitra (Telugu song)

Manu Charitra, directed by Bharath Pedagani, is an enchanting film featuring a talented cast including Shiva Kandukuri, Megha Akash, Priya Vadllamani, Dhananjay, and many others in prominent roles. The musical score is composed by Gopi Sundar, with cinematography by Rahul Shrivatsav and editing by Prawin Pudi. The film is a collaborative production by N Sreenivasa Reddy and P Ronnson Joseph.

Ipude Parichayame - Manu Charitra (Telugu song)

🎶 Song Name Ipude Parichayame
📃 Lyrics Chandrabose
🎤 Singer(s) Armaan Malik
💰 Producer Narala Srinivas Reddy
🎥 Director Bharath Peddagani
🎹 Music Gopi Sundar
📽 Movie Manu Charitra
Channel credits Subscribe to the Lahari Music - TSeries channel.


👨 : Are Enneno Vinthaley

Arere Mabbulo Ganthuley

Chethilo Tharale… Matalo Rangule…

Swasa-Lo Kanthule Cheruthunave


Ipudey Parichayame Parichayame Prema Prapanchame

Ipudey Parichayame Sambarame Edho Kotha Bandhame


Are Enneno Vinthaley

Arere Mabbulo Ganthuley


👨 : Chuttu Enno Vana villule

Vendi Vennela Nadhule

Pattu Thenela Rangavallule

Pasidi Parimala Nidhule

Manchu Puvula Jwalale

Malle Navvula Gaalule

Gaali Vusule


Ipude Parichayame Parichayame Prema Prapanchame

Ipude Parichayame Priyaswarame Edho Kotha Ragame


Are Enneno Vinthaley

Arere Mabbulo Ganthuley


👨 : Nuvvedorosthe Adhi Udayam

Chentha Cherithe Sayantram

Nuvu Cheyi Padithe Adhi Sarasam

Adugu Kadhipithe adi Viraham

Janta Vunnadhe Jeevitham

Panchukonnadhe Amrutham

Intha Adbutham


Ipude Parichayame Parichayame Prema Prapanchame

Ipude Parichayame Tholi varame Edho Kotha Theerame


Are Enneno Vinthaley

Arere Mabbulo Ganthuley


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