Gokka Makka - Titanic (Tamil song)

The Titanic's Gokka Makka song is a Tamil film song. Nivas K Prasanna wrote the music for the Gokka Makka song. Silambarasan and Pragathi Guruprasad sang Gokka Makka.

Gokka Makka - Titanic (Tamil song)

🎶 Song Name Gokka Makka
🎤 Singer(s) STR, Pragathi Guruprasad
📃 Lyrics Mohan Rajan
🎥 Director M Janakiraman
🎹 Music Nivas K.Prasanna
📃 Lyrics Mohan Raja, Madhan Karky
💰 Producer CV Kumar (Thirukumaran Entertainment)
📽 Movie Titanic
Channel credits Subscribe to the Think Music India channel.

👨 : Aei Gokka Makka

Aei Gokka Makka

Aei Gokka Makka


Aei Gokka Makka

Akka Maga Oruthi

Aei Gokka Makka

Akka Maga Oruthi


👨 : Unna Katti Vechu

Kadhalippen Kadaththi

Unna Katti Vechu

Kadhalippen Kadaththi


Aei Gokka Makka

Akka Maga Oruthi


👨 : Kannala Kannala

Yemmam Periya Kannala

Konnalae Konnalae

Enna Enna Konnalae


Kannala Kannala

Yemmam Periya Kannala

Konnalae Konnalae

Enna Enna Konnalae


👨 : Aei Siraanikka Silaanikka Silpi

Aei Siraanikka Silaanikka Silpi

Un Rendu Kannaal Edukkuriyae Selfie

Un Rendu Kannaal Edukkuriyae Selfie Selfie

Siraanikka Silaanikka Silpi


👨 : Andha Po Indha Po

Kaatturiye Bandha Po

Kiththappo Chiththappo

Senju Vecha Mathappo


Andha Po Indha Po

Kaatturiye Bandha Po

Kiththappo Chiththappo

Senju Vecha Mathappo


👨 : Kannala Nee

Aei Kannala Nee

Aei Kannala Nee Look U Vitta

Gaali Aavena

Un Pinnala Naan Suththi Vandha

Jolly Aavena?


Unnala Thaan Buththi Kettu

Kedi Aavena?

Thannalathaan Thappu Thappa

Maari Povena?


👨 : Naan Aaya Kada Pola

Nee Forum Maal'la Pola

Namma Rendu Perum Serntha

Oru Rangoli Pola


Naan Unnai Konjum Vela

Ada Maarudhu En Moola

Vaa Solludi En Aatha

Oru Kalyana Naala


👨 : Annathe Annathae

Sikkavutta Singathae

Yennathae Yennathae

Solluradhu Yennathae


Aei Gokka Makka

Akka Maga Oruthi

Aei Gokka Makka

Akka Maga Oruthi


Unna Katti Vechu

Kadhalippen Kadathi

Aei Gokka Makka

Akka Maga Oruthi


👨 : Yegurudhu Yegurudhu

Yekku Thappa Yegurudhu

Odharudhu Odharudhu

Ullukulla Odharudhu


Yegurudhu Yegurudhu

Yekku Thappa Yegurudhu

Odharudhu Odharudhu

Ullukulla Odharudhu


Odharudhu Odharudhu



The song Gokka Makka is from which film?
The song Gokka Makka is from Titanic movie.

Who composed the song Gokka Makka ?
Nivas K.Prasanna composed the song Gokka Makka.

Who sings the song Gokka Makka ?
STR, Pragathi Guruprasad sings the song Gokka Makka.

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