Evaru thaanu - THIKA MAKA THANDA (Telugu song)

The lyric for the Evaru thaanu song from the THIKA MAKA THANDA film is accessible in both English and Telugu. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Evaru thaanu - THIKA MAKA THANDA (Telugu song)

📃 Lyrics Purna chary
💰 Producer Thirupathi. Srinivasarao
🎹 Music Suresh Bobbili
🎤 Singer(s) Junaid kumar
🎶 Song Name Evaru thaanu
Channel credits Subscribe to the Sony Music South channel.


👨 : Humm yevaru thaanu

Chitikelo nannu laageney

Humm yevaru thaanu

Addhamai nannu choopene


Alikidi vintey alajadi naalo ilaa

Kaligene ento thana vallenaa

Porapadinaano atuga thana vallanaa

Anukogaaney edhure raagaa


Hana adugu padina chota pudami pooseney

Adhi choodagaaney manasu urakaleseney

Alavaatugaane kanulu thanani vethikene

Mohamatamedho mundhu kochi aapese nanne


Humm yevaru thaanu

Chitikelo nannu laageney

Humm yevaru thaanu

Addhamai nannu choopene


👨 : Ae gajibijiga thiruguthu

Naa cheli vente paduthu

Thika makalo thele thondharaa

Thana jaade vethukuthu

Naake ne dhorukuthu

Mari mari aachote aaganaa


Prashnai kadhila ledhe badhulu

Naatho nene epudu

Thanala lere yevaru asalu

Okare okaru arudhu


Thana adugu padina chota pudami pooseney

Adhi choodagaaney manasu urakaleseney

Alavaatugaane kanulu thanani vethikene

Mohamatamedho mundhu kochi aapese nanne


Humm yevaru thaanu

Chitikelo nannu laageney

Humm yevaru thaanu

Addhamai nannu laageney


👨 : Oh kanulaku thanu andhadhey

Kalalaku thanu andhamey

Yedhuruga ochhedhi ennado

Pasirikalo pasithanam

Pasididhile thana gunam

Epudu untundhi navvuthu


Marupe raave merupe neeve

Vinava madhilo maate

Samayam kudhire malupe thirige

Payanam modhale ippude


Thana adugu padina chota pudami pooseney

Adhi choodagaaney manasu urakaleseney

Alavaatugaane kanulu thanani vethikene

Mohamatamedho mundhu kochi aapese nanne


Humm yevaru thaanu

Chitikelo nannu laageney

Humm yevaru thaanu

Addhamai nannu choopene

The song Evaru thaanu is from which film?
The song Evaru thaanu is from THIKA MAKA THANDA movie.

Who sings the song Evaru thaanu ?
Junaid kumar sings the song Evaru thaanu.

Who composed the song Evaru thaanu ?
Suresh Bobbili composed the song Evaru thaanu.

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