DEATH - Melanie Martinez (English song)

The lyric for the DEATH song from the undefined film is accessible in both English and English. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

DEATH  - Melanie Martinez (English song)

🎤 Singer(s) Melanie Martinez
🎶 Song Name DEATH
🎹 Music CJ Baran, Melanie Martinez
📃 Lyrics Melanie Martinez
Channel credits Subscribe to the melanie martinez channel.

Death is life is death

Is life Is death

Is life is


They’re carvin’ my name in the grave again

The flowers are fresh and their faces wet

My body has died, but I’m still alive

Look over your shoulder, I’m back from the dead

Lightin’ all your candles to draw me in

Sayin’ all the same things, I’m gone this time

Your words mean nothin’, so take ’em back

And meet me here across the plane

The other side, I’m not far


When you aren’t around, I sink into the ground

I try to pretend I’m closer to you

Never understand it

You’re always on my mind, I cannot help it


I don’t wanna be carryin’ the weight on my shoulders

Death has come to me, kissed me on the cheek, gave me closure

Immortal by design

I’ll be meetin’ you here every time


Back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death)

I’m back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death)

I’m back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death)

I’m back from the dead (Death), back from the (I’m back)



I’m back


They’re sayin’ my name in their prayers again

I flicker the lights so they understand

I won’t say goodbye, I’m right by your side

We’re screamin’ and pleadin’, this separation ends

Doin’ all your witchcraft to pull me in

Burnin’ all your sage to connect our line

I show my presence, you run away in fear of ghosts

I try to talk, the barriers are too strong


When you aren’t around, I sink into the ground

I try to pretend I’m closer to you

Never understand it

You’re always on my mind, I cannot help it


I don’t wanna be carryin’ the weight on my shoulders

Death has come to me, kissed me on the cheek, gave me closure

Immortal by design

I’ll be meetin’ you here every time


Back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death)

I’m back from the dead (Death), back from the dead

I’m back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death)

I’m back from the dead (Death), back from the dead


Please don’t ever worry

Back from the dead, back from the dead


I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead

I’m back from the dead, back from the dead (I'm back)

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