Buhe Bariyan (Hindi & English)

Buhe Bariyan, as performed by Kanika Kapoor, is about breaking down walls and reuniting with one's lover. Its stunning graphics lead us on a surreal musical romantic journey that explores a wide range of feelings in the heart.

Buhe Bariyan (Hindi & English)

🎹 Music Gourov Dasgupta feat Shruti Rane
📃 Lyrics Kunwar Juneja
🎤 Singer(s) Kanika Kapoor
🎥 Director Ranju Varghese
💰 Producer Saregama
🎶 Song Name Buhe Bariyan
Channel credits Subscribe to the Saregama Music channel.

Saregama credits


👩 : Jind Jaaniyan, Mere Haaniyan,

Tere Bin Jiya Jaave Naan...


Ishq Ho Gaya, Hosh Kho Gaya,

Dil Kahe Keha Jave Naan..


Lagda Hai Mennun, Yaar Bulaave,

Rangli Lagge Hai Yaariyan...


Boohe Baariyan Te Nale Kandan Tapp Ke...

Boohe Baariyan Te Nale Kandan Tapp Ke...

Main Aavan Gi Hawa Ban Ke


Boohe Baariyan...

Boohe Baariyan...

Boohe Baariyan...

Boohe Baariyan...


👩 : Likhheya Naseeba Jinne, Labban Oo Siyahi Vi...

Likhhan Naam Likhhan Tera, Likhhan Lakh Vaari Ve..


Teri Han Main Teri Han Main, Kehde Ik Vaari Ve...

Jitteya Zamanan Sara,tere Agge Haari Ve

Jad Ishq Nachaunda Ae,fer Hosh Nahin Renda,..

Nibhauni Pendiyan Nein Kassman Saariyan...


Boohe Baariyan Te Nale Kandan Tapp Ke..

Main Aavan Gi Hawa Ban Ke

Boohe Baariyan...

Boohe Baariyan...


Yaddan Teri.... Suppne Tere..

Lamhen Tere Ho Chuke...

Tinka Tinka....Main Nai Jeena....

Mennu Maardiyan Rattan Kaariyan..


Boohe Baariyan Te Nale Kandan Tapp Ke...

Boohe Baariyan Te Nale Kandan Tapp Ke...

Main Aavan Gi Hawa Ban Ke

Boohe Baariyan

Boohe Baariyan

Boohe Baariyan

Boohe Baariyan


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