Ayyayyo - Mem Famous (Telugu song)

This movie portrays the lives of five students from an engineering college and how they confront the obstacles of maturing and adapting to the real-life situations.

Ayyayyo - Mem Famous (Telugu song)

🎤 Singer(s) Rahul Sipligunj
📃 Lyrics Kalyan Nayak & Honey Saarya
💰 Producer Anurag Reddy, Sharath Chandra, Chandru Manoharan\r
🎹 Music Kalyan Nayak\r
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Sumanth Prabhas, Mani Aegurla, Mourya Chowdary, Saarya, Siri Raasi ,Kiran Macha,\r
📽 Movie Mem Famous
🎶 Song Name Ayyayyo
Channel credits Subscribe to the Lahari Music | T-Series channel.


👨 : Ayyayya-Ayyayyo Ayyayya-Ayyayyo

Emaindi gundelona

Naaku nachina naa pilla

Naathoni nadavanga

Aagamaaye lo lona


Tana maatalu chekkarala

Bukkinattu maasthundi lo lopala

Enthaundalo anthala

Teeyagundi thana sopathila


Arre rojuleni

O alajadedho putte gunde



Ayyayya-Ayyayyo Ayyayya-Ayyayyo

Emaindi gundelona

Naaku nachina naa pilla

Naathoni nadavanga

Aagamaaye lo lona


Yedu rangulu nee navvulokkate

Aa sukkalu nee kallu okkate

Aa mabbula varsham lantide

Mana jantane


Eppuduostavantu eduru chustane

Prathi gantanu munduku tosthane

Okkasari kanti mundu nuvvunte

Kaalanni aapesthane


Manasu manasula undadhe nuvvodilellaka

Bandaraayilaa beeripotha prathi rojala

Are naakai nuvvu neekai nenu podham padha

Pai pai kalaa


Ayyayya-Ayyayyo Ayyayya-Ayyayyo

Emaindi gundelona

Naaku nachina naa pilla

Naathoni nadavanga

Aagamaaye lo lona


Otte seene sepalenule

Nuvvu praanam kanna naaku ekkuve

Naa maatallona premanetikithe

Etla telupane


Nee kanlaku kavithalu saalave

Nee supuki vanthena veyyave

Itla raaliponi kotha puvvuole

Etla puttave


Ooni sogasulo padipoya maayadari pilla

Emandam sarassuve

Nuvve na malle pulamaala


Arre roju leni o alajadedho

Putte gunde lothullona


Ayyayya-Ayyayyo Ayyayya-Ayyayyo

Emvundhira muddhugumma

Kanti kinda kaatuketti kannu kottagaane

Kinda meeda aaye janma


The song Ayyayyo is from which film?
The song Ayyayyo is from Mem Famous movie.

Who composed the song Ayyayyo ?
Kalyan Nayak\r composed the song Ayyayyo.

Who sings the song Ayyayyo ?
Rahul Sipligunj sings the song Ayyayyo.

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