Aasma - Painter (Punjabi song)

The lyric for the Aasma song from the Painter film is accessible in both English and Punjabi. The lines are perfectly timed to the music.

Aasma - Painter (Punjabi song)

📽 Movie Painter
💰 Producer Tejinder Singh, Gurpreet Deol, Sonu Shergill, Manmohan Mohna
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Mehraaj Singh, Sukh Kharoud (Guest Appearance), Akriti Sahota, Isha Gupta, Gurpreet Toti, Randeep Bhangu, Anita Meet, Jasbir Dhillon, Manu Bhardwaj, Raman Dhagga, Pinky Saggu, Basant Lahoriya, Davvy Singh
🎤 Singer(s) Kamal Khan, The Landers, Hashmat Sultana, Manpreet Singh
🎹 Music Sync, DJ Strings, Vishal Khanna
📃 Lyrics Harmanjeet Singh, Rabb Sukh Rakhey, Raman K Jangwal
🎶 Song Name Aasma
Channel credits Subscribe to the White Hill Music channel.


👨 : Khore chand nivaan ho gaya

Khore dharti uchi ho gayi


Khore chand nivaan ho gaya

Khore dharti uchi ho gayi

Tainu jado da vekhya meri nazar suchi ho gayi


Main tera chehra padd reha

Kise daastan jeha

Dharti te mil gaya

Koi aasma jeha

Dharti te mil gaya

Koi aasma jeha Haaye


Mere potteyan diyan harkataan ajj naam tera vaundiyan

Eh kudratan rukhan nu jo naviyan pooshakan paundiyan


Dil vich vasa ke sone range paaniyan di chal nu

Mitti de kinke toor paye aaj taareyan de val nu


Meri zindagi bani ranga da silsila

Dharti te mil gaya koi aasma jeha

Dharti te mil gaya koi aasma jeha


Ajj kal main kaisa sek apne naina andar sekda

Nikki toh nikki cheez nu vi gor de naal vekhda


Subah savere soohe phool ton chon rahi ye tarel hai

Paaniyan te ranga da vi koi apna hi mail hai


Rukiyan ne jis tarah badla vich bijaliyan

Dharti te mil gaya koi aasma jeha

Dharti te mil gaya koi aasma jeha


Jeeyun nereyan vich tim timauna taareyan di rasam hai

Main tera nagma gaavanga mainu khuda di kasam hai


Adha adhoora chann vi kinni shaan de naal magda ae

Jis din oh poora aavega dekho ki mela lagda ae


Khushiyan ne lai leya mere dil ch dakhla

Dharti te mil gaya koi aasma jeha

Dharti te mil gaya koi aasma jeha


Eh kismatan de kaafle tere dharran te ruk gaye

Jo zindagi de naal si oh saare shikve muk gaye


Kite dhup hai kite chaavan ne

Kite chup te kite shor hai

Par es ton vi par kidre asliyat kuch hor hai


Roshan jahan de naal koi judeya rabta

Dharti te mil gaya koi aasma jeha

Dharti te mil gaya koi aasma jeha


👩 : Kudrat haan main teri

te tu mera khuda

Dharti te mil gaya

koi aasma jeha

Koi aasma jeha

Koi aasma jeha

Koi aasma jeha Haaye

Koi aasma jeha

👨 : 🎵

Who composed the song Aasma ?
Sync, DJ Strings, Vishal Khanna composed the song Aasma.

Who sings the song Aasma ?
Kamal Khan, The Landers, Hashmat Sultana, Manpreet Singh sings the song Aasma.

The song Aasma is from which film?
The song Aasma is from Painter movie.

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