Aalum Neeye - Neeraja (Malayalam song)

Rajesh K. Raman directs the upcoming Indian film, Neeraja, featuring Guru Somasundaram, Jinu Joseph, Govind Padmasoorya, and Shruti Ramachandran. The movie is produced by Uma and M Ramesh Reddy, with music composed by Sachin Shankor Mannath.

Aalum Neeye - Neeraja (Malayalam song)

šŸŽ¤ Singer(s) N.J NANDINI
šŸ“½ Movie Neeraja
šŸŽ¶ Song Name Aalum Neeye
Channel credits Subscribe to the T-Series Malayalam channel.


šŸ‘© : Aalum neeye theeyum neeye

Thenne theenambe

Chelum neeye poram neeye

Ulagin nadhivere


Kedum kalavar vatthum muravag

Laahum ninjil choodha dumbul

Smridhiyil ninnum mudalin padavug

Lidhu lino dummatte


Chodigalil jirigal mayumra vale

Theerayumi theerigal taanumma vale


Ekpadha madhiloru nidhilug ladiye

Vichitharome parigami

Theeranima marayave

Vandhu nunnum poove pondhe

Needum nanaru


Aalum neeye theeyum neeye

Thenne theenambe

Thotam neeye veliyum neeye

Ulagin nadhivere


šŸ‘© : Neererambham kadalum nele

Mughle manamudhu chalanam..

Nerpelinge yadhihaasam

Padharun nividam padhanam..


Pullinin naaro yedayum

Jidhanim potil puyarum odigil

Janazhgin adhualgam kaathin

Munayal kotthum nivin nidhire

Pranayam ondhin


Neeye mannim nagavum puragum

Neeye vinnim ridhvam mridhiyum

Madanam niraye azhginjwanene


Nadudhe nidabhay nanvindhadaye

Adhnam madmode

Shishiram madayam kodiunnilgal

Chhupire modigille


Mendhum pokanne

Needum nidiyindhe

The song Aalum Neeye is from which film?
The song Aalum Neeye is from Neeraja movie.

Who sings the song Aalum Neeye ?
N.J NANDINI sings the song Aalum Neeye .

Who composed the song Aalum Neeye ?
SACHIN SHANKOR MANNATH composed the song Aalum Neeye .

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