Aakasam Adhire - Ustaad

As Surya, portrayed by Sri Simha Koduri, matures and fulfills his dream of becoming a pilot in the movie Ustaad, the uplifting song Aakasam Adhire, beautifully sung by Kaala Bhairava and Aditya Sreeram, echoes in the background. The heartfelt lyrics by Lakshmi Priyanka add depth to the emotional journey, while the captivating music composed by Akeeva B enhances the film's narrative. Joined by a talented cast, including Kavya Kalyanram, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Anu Hasan, Ravindra Vijay, Venkatesh Maha, Ravi Siva Teja, and Sai Kiran Yedida, Ustaad explores the transformation of a young man guided by his mentor, his Ustaad.

Aakasam Adhire - Ustaad

📽 Movie Ustaad
🎶 Song Name Aakasam Adhire
🎤 Singer(s) Kaala Bhairava & Aditya Sreeram
📃 Lyrics Lakshmi Priyanka
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Sri Simha Koduri, Kavya Kalyanram, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Anu Hasan, Ravindra Vijay, Venkatesh Maha, Ravi Siva Teja, Sai Kiran Yedida.
🎹 Music Akeeva B
Channel credits Subscribe to the Sony Music South channel.

Aakasam Adhire

Meghaalu Chedhire

Vegaalu Perige

Binkaalu Kadhile

Theesindhi Paruge

Enthaina Dhoorame

Ninnaapedhi Evarule


Unna Chota Undipothe

Cheralemu Nee Gamyane

Gaali Vaalu Saagipothu

Doosukellipovaa Nuvve

Doosukellipovaa Nuvve


Rahadaarulalo Vinu Veedhulalo

Viharinchaali Nuvvaina

Malupulu Daati Thaarala Baate

Payaninchaali Emaina


Rahadaarulalo Vinu Veedhulalo

Viharinchaali Nuvvaina

Malupulu Daati Thaarala Baate

Payaninchaali Emaina


Paduthu Lesthu

Saage Keratam Teeram Chere

Daare Padhilam Egise Alani Aapedhevaru

Needhe Bhuvanam Needhe Gamanam

Thikamaka Makathika Daarulu Neeve

Ningina Merise Taaralu Neeve


Cheekati Cheralaku

Ika Selavantu

Vekuva Vaipuki

Nuvu Sayyantu

Adugulu Vesthu


Rekkalu Neeve

Dikkulu Neeve

Padaraa Nuvvu

Munduku Dhookthe


Rahadaarulalo Vinu Veedhulalo

Viharinchaali Nuvvaina

Malupulu Daati Thaarala Baate

Payaninchaali Emaina


Rahadaarulalo Vinu Veedhulalo

Viharinchaali Nuvvaina

Malupulu Daati Thaarala Baate

Payaninchaali Emaina


Rahadaarulalo Vinu Veedhulalo

Viharinchaali Nuvvaina

Malupulu Daati Thaarala Baate

Payaninchaali Emaina

Who composed the song Aakasam Adhire ?
Akeeva B composed the song Aakasam Adhire.

Who sings the song Aakasam Adhire ?
Kaala Bhairava & Aditya Sreeram sings the song Aakasam Adhire.

The song Aakasam Adhire is from which film?
The song Aakasam Adhire is from Ustaad movie.

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