17 Lakh Da Gajra - Ittu Si Baat (Hindi song)

The song '17 Lakh Da Gajra,' from the album 'Ittu Si Baat,' is now available. This song, composed by Vishal Mishra and sung by Tony Kakkar, Asees Kaur, and Vishal Mishra, and written by Raj Shekhar

17 Lakh Da Gajra - Ittu Si Baat (Hindi song)

📽 Movie Ittu Si Baat
🎶 Song Name 17 Lakh Da Gajra
🎹 Music Vishal Mishra
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Cast Tony Kakkar, Asees Kaur & Vishal Mishra
📃 Lyrics Raj Shekhar
Channel credits Subscribe to the Saregama Music channel.

Saregama Credits


👨 : Kitthe Jawa Ni Kitthe Jawa Ni

Mar Jawa Ni Mar Jawa Ni

Dil Mera Dil Le Le Le Na

Lut Jawa Ni Lut Jawa Ni Oye


👨 : Kitthe Jawa Ni Kitthe Jawa Ni

Mar Jawa Ni Mar Jawa Ni

Dil Mera Dil Le Le Le Na

Lut Jawa Ni Lut Jawa Ni Oye

Hoya Mitra Da Hoya Bura Haal

Mera Dil Uda

Mera Dil Uda

Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


👨 : Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


👩 : Jahan Jahna Jaaun

Aage Peeche Mandraye

Taareefen Kiya Karta Hai

Jaanu Main To Jaanu

Tu Flirt Hai Par

Decent Bana Firta Hai


👩 : Jahan Jahna Jaaun

Aage Peeche Mandraye

Taareefen Kiya Karta Hai

Jaanu Main To Jaanu

Tu Flirt Hai Par

Decent Bana Firta Hai


👨 : Tak Tak Tenu Haay

Dhak Dhak Kare Dil

Tera Jhumka Bhi Kare Hai Bawaal

Mera Dil Uda

Mera Dil Uda

Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


👨 : Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


👨 : Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


👩 : Mera Dil Uda

Ye Satrah Laakh


👩 : Mera Dil Uda

Ye Satrah Laakh


👫 : Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


👫 : Mera Dil Uda Tera Kajra

Ye Satrah Laakh Da Gajra


The song 17 Lakh Da Gajra is from which film?
The song 17 Lakh Da Gajra is from Ittu Si Baat movie.

Who composed the song 17 Lakh Da Gajra ?
Vishal Mishra composed the song 17 Lakh Da Gajra.

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